What is a Mantra? How do they work?

Sunday, April 6, 2008

FREE Sanscrit Mantra for Beauty and Wealth. Women Only

Take three deep breaths through the nose without exhaling then chant: Om hreemm Ohm Nahmahh Sheevaye Hreeeenum. For the exact pronunciation and an audio file that you can download to play all night long as you sleep click the "buy now" button below.

Playing this mantra as you sleep will give you deep core changing power as you are at your most receptive. For more details see: Sleep Meditation

Free Beauty and Wealth Mantra for Women

TESTIMONIALS: "Now I feel better than I have in 12 years. Thanks a million Wan!" - Riku

"I started doing the om kleem shreem lakshmi mantra... and getting alot more sales at my business. ... imagine if I started doing this regularly!" - Cree

"Thank you very much! I have been listening to the greatest mantra for about 3 weeks now and I almost feel like a whole new person.. Im more confident, fearless and more enthusiastic then ever before. Thank you very much!" - Jonny

"I completed another greatest mantra cycle 7 succeeded beyond my expectations. i find the ancient mantra gracefully invigorating, empowering,.. I have surprised myself very pleasantly as to what i'm able to achieve!" - Mumilla

"Well i have become more sucessful first of all...ive gotten stronger mentally & Physically Thank you Wan." - Rayja


Anonymous said...

I downloaded the Sanskrit mantra for wealth and beauty but where can I find the English mantra?

OLED 3d Printing Social Media Nanotech said...

the english mantras are at http://www.meditation-mantra.org - wan

Ladybug said...

In order to receive benefits from this, should you be listening to EACH mantra for 9 consecutive nights? Please advise as I am ready to change my life!!!
Thanks :)

Prateek said...

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Hope you liked it

Prateek said...

I Have founded the great link on The Tantra Secret to Transcend Sex Understand that sex can never fulfil your mind - love can. Love should be the foundation of marriage

Sasindra said...

bullshit....they cheated my money. There was no link..& it appeared no video is available. Give me back my money.....